To help Americans who suffer at the pump, Joe Biden gave out five million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve of the United States.
As it was revealed that between a fifth and a sixth of the reserved oil that the president boasted about releasing to improve supply really traveled offshore to nations in Europe and Asia in June, the president is being charged with executing a cunning maneuver.
Since April, Biden has approved the release of a million barrels each day. But despite his efforts, gas prices have continued to rise, with the national average resting at $4.74 per gallon as of Tuesday, which is still significantly more than the $2.28 average from just before he took office.
Government representatives are defending the President, saying that without his efforts, domestic gas prices would be significantly higher. He declared that he has approved the largest-ever oil release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR), releasing an extra million barrels of oil daily on average for the six months starting in April.
In a statement, the White House claimed that the President's action demonstrates his willingness to battle for Americans facing price increases as a result of Putin. Biden is acting in an instantaneous and reflexive manner in order to secure American energy independence.
Nearly 8% of the Gross Domestic Product of the United States and 10.3 million employees are supported by the oil and natural gas sector. Every year, they invest hundreds of billions of dollars locally to promote economic growth.
People in America are criticizing the President's present actions because they think he should be more focused on improving the country's economic situation rather than distracting attention from the issues with “Putin's Price Hike.”